You eat first, then head towards the sound until you see a army truck on fire with a man trying to pull someone out. You sprint over there to help the man. The army truck looks like it has at least multiple weapons and lots of food and supplies. You reach the truck and reach the man and see what the problem is. THe man is stuck underneath the truck, which is tilting, threatening to crsh him. "We need to get our other supplies!", says the first man who wasn't stuck, "It's the only way we can get him out. Can you stay here and watch him?" "Sure.", you respond. You sit down and watch the truck wondering if you can push the truck so the man could escape. "Hey, thanks for agreeing to help.", says the man who's stuck. "My name's Bruce." "I'm Bob." you say. "It was nice to know you for a little bit. You like living right now?" he asks. "I guess. I'm looking for my family." You say. "Well, you won't have to live for long." Bruce says with a crooked smile. All of a sudden your head crashes to the ground, and you watch with blood puring in your eyes as Bruce climbs out of a crack in the ground you coudnl't see. You look at the ground and say, "Idiot." over and over again until you finally die. Go back to the beginning